Tag Archives: Street




This is called a road.

This is called a road.

It was raining..

It was raining..

I know that the raindrops are not visible in these photographs.. Blame it on physics and Nokia..

….and the day after..

Uprooted trees and electricity poles in Wazirpura..

Uprooted trees and electricity poles in Wazirpura..

Some more shots of the same place..

Some more shots of the same place..

A great trip to Vrindavan…



Probably, the last trip together..But lets hope not so..

Well..this was an ‘interesting’ trip.. Me, Shashank, Rohit, and Shashank Singh  left for Vrindavan from Agra at around 4 pm.. and we returned to Agra by 9 pm..

Snapping photographs inside temples is not allowed and it is only proper that we respect that..
Security was tight everywhere we looked, most probably due to the recent state of affairs in this country..

And of course, then there was good old McDonald’s for a quick, economical snack..

But we’ve got lots of pics otherwise, that we took in auto rickshaws, and on the roads etc. etc. Check them out…

Great weather... great place...

Great weather... great place...

In front of Iskcon..

In front of the Iskcon Temple..

At good old McDonalds..

At good old McDonalds..